Source code for utils.database_utils

    from pyraws.sys_cfg import PYRAWS_HOME_PATH, DATA_PATH
except:  # noqa: E722
    raise ValueError(
        " not found. Please, refer to for instructions on how to generate it."
import os
import pandas as pd
from termcolor import colored
import csv
from pyraws.utils.constants import DATABASE_FILE_DICTIONARY, BAND_NAMES_REAL_ORDER
from pathlib import Path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from ast import literal_eval

[docs]class DatabaseHandler: """Creates an Raw-L1C csv database for the APIs.""" def __init__(self, db_name, datapath=DATA_PATH): """ Initializes the Raw-L1C database. Args: db_name (str): The name of the dataset as named in the data folder. datapath (str, optional): Paht to the folder where the database is located. """ self.datapath = Path(datapath) / db_name self.fetcher() columns = [ "ID_event", "Start", "End", "Sat", "class", "Polygon", "Raw_useful_granules", "Raw_complementary_granules", "raw_files", "l1c_files", "bbox_list", ] self.db = pd.DataFrame({x: [] for x in columns})
[docs] def fetcher(self): """Fetches the products in the the database.""" self.Raw = self.datapath / "raw" try: self.L1 = self.datapath / "l1c" self.L1_products = [x for x in self.L1.iterdir() if x.is_dir()] print("Found L1c products: ", len(self.L1_products)) except: # noqa: E722 print( "L1 folder not found. If this behaviour is not desidered, please, refer to for instructions." ) print("Fetching the database...") self.Raw_products = [x for x in self.Raw.iterdir() if x.is_dir()] assert len(self.Raw_products) > 0, "No Raw products found. Aborting..." print("Completed.")
[docs] def single_parser(self, raw_Event_folderpath): """ Parses a single Raw product. Args: raw_Event_folderpath (str): datapath of the Raw event. """ id_event = def gain_xml(prod_path: Path): """ Helper function to get an xml file. Args: prod_path (str): datapath of the Raw event. Returns: Invetory Metadata xml path of one of the Raw granules. """ xmls = [ x for x in prod_path.glob("**/*") if"Inventory_Metadata.xml") ] return xmls[0] def meta_extract(xml_path): """ Helper function to get an xml file. Args: xml_path (str): datapath of the Raw event. Returns: meta (dict): metadata dictionary containing useful information for the event. """ tree = ET.parse(xml_path) root = tree.getroot() keys = [x for x in root.attrib.keys()] # Find the xmlns attribute xsi_xmlns = "{" + root.attrib[keys[0]] + "}" info = {} for child in root.iter(): for query in ["Satellite_Code"]: if child.tag.removeprefix(xsi_xmlns) == query: info[query] = child.text try: geo_localization = root.find(f".//{xsi_xmlns}Geographic_Localization") points = geo_localization.findall(f".//{xsi_xmlns}Geo_Pnt") # extract latitude and longitude from each point coordinates = [] for point in points: latitude = point.find(f"{xsi_xmlns}LATITUDE").text longitude = point.find(f"{xsi_xmlns}LONGITUDE").text coordinates.append([float(longitude), float(latitude)]) polygon = Polygon(coordinates) info["polygon"] = polygon.wkt except AttributeError: info["polygon"] = None return info xml_path = gain_xml(raw_Event_folderpath) meta = meta_extract(xml_path) raw_files = [ for x in raw_Event_folderpath.iterdir()] l1c_files = self.L1_products l1c_event_folder = [x for x in l1c_files if == id_event] if len(l1c_event_folder) > 0: l1c_subfiles = [x for x in l1c_event_folder[0].iterdir() if x.is_dir()] else: l1c_subfiles = [] return { "event": f"{}", "l1c_files": l1c_subfiles, "raw_files": raw_files, "Satellite": meta["Satellite_Code"], "poly": meta["polygon"], }
[docs] def parser(self): """Parses all the Raw products and creates the database.""" for idx, raw_path in enumerate(self.Raw_products): meta = self.single_parser(raw_path) data = { "ID_event": meta["event"], "Start": None, "End": None, "Sat": meta["Satellite"], "class": None, "Polygon": meta["poly"], "Raw_useful_granules": None, "Raw_complementary_granules": None, "Raw_files": meta["raw_files"], "l1c_files": meta["l1c_files"], "bbox_list": None, } new_row = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient="index") new_row = new_row.transpose() self.db = pd.concat([self.db, new_row]) self.db = self.db.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def get_cfg_file_dict(): """Returns a dictionary containing paths to the different pyraws directories. Returns: dict: cfg file dict. """ PYRAWS_PACKAGE_PATH = os.path.join(PYRAWS_HOME_PATH, "pyraws") SCRIPTS_PATH = os.path.join(PYRAWS_PACKAGE_PATH, "scripts") NOTEBOOKS_PATH = os.path.join(PYRAWS_PACKAGE_PATH, "notebooks") SCRIPTS_PATH = os.path.join(PYRAWS_PACKAGE_PATH, "scripts") DATABASE_PATH = os.path.join(PYRAWS_PACKAGE_PATH, "database") GEOIDS_PATH = os.path.join(PYRAWS_PACKAGE_PATH, "geoids") paths_list = [ SCRIPTS_PATH, PYRAWS_PACKAGE_PATH, PYRAWS_HOME_PATH, DATA_PATH, NOTEBOOKS_PATH, SCRIPTS_PATH, DATABASE_PATH, GEOIDS_PATH, ] cfg_dir_list = [ "scripts", "PYRAWS_pkg", "pyraws", "data", "notebooks", "scripts", "database", "geoids", ] return dict(zip(cfg_dir_list, paths_list))
[docs]def get_raw_shift_lut( satellite, detector_number, downsampling=True, cfg_file_dict=None ): """Get Raw shift LUT. Args: satellite (str, optional): "S2A" or "S2B" respectively for "Sentinel-2A" data and "Sentinel-2B" data. detector_number (int): Detectorn number. downsampling (boolean, optional): if True, shift values for downsampled bands of the chosen satellite are used. Otherwise, values for upsampled bands are used. Defaults to True. cfg_file_dict (dict, optional): cfg_file_dict (dict, optional): dictionary containing paths to the different pyraws directories. If None, internal CSV database will be parsed. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: returns the Raw shift LUT. """ if cfg_file_dict is None: cfg_file_dict = get_cfg_file_dict() csv_path = os.path.join(cfg_file_dict["database"], "shift_lut.csv") lut_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) lut_df = lut_df[lut_df["satellite"] == satellite] if downsampling: lut_df = lut_df[lut_df["registration_mode"] == "downsampling"] else: lut_df = lut_df[lut_df["registration_mode"] == "upsampling"] lut_df = lut_df[lut_df["detector"] == detector_number] BAND_SHIFTS_NAMES = [ "S08_02", "S03_08", "S10_03", "S04_10", "S05_04", "S11_05", "S06_11", "S07_06", "S8A_07", "S12_8A", "S01_12", "S09_01", ] return dict( zip( BAND_NAMES_REAL_ORDER[1:] + [BAND_NAMES_REAL_ORDER[0]], [ [ -float( lut_df[band_name] .iloc[0] .replace("[", "") .replace("]", "") .split(",")[0] ), -float( lut_df[band_name] .iloc[0] .replace("[", "") .replace("]", "") .split(",")[1] ), ] for band_name in BAND_SHIFTS_NAMES ] + [0], ) )
[docs]def get_id_raw_l1_dict(database="THRAWS", cfg_file_dict=None): """Returns a dictionary containing raw (directory name), l1c (product ID and correspondent granule) and class, raw useful and complementary tiles. Args: database (string, optional): database name. Defaults to ""THRAWS"". cfg_file_dict (dict, optional): dictionary containing paths to the different pyraws directories. If None, internal CSV database will be parsed. Returns: dict: label_raw-l1_dict """ if cfg_file_dict is None: cfg_file_dict = get_cfg_file_dict() image_csv_path = os.path.join( cfg_file_dict["database"], DATABASE_FILE_DICTIONARY[database] ) try: l1c_name_list = [] class_list = [] id_list = [] raw_name_list = [] raw_useful_granules_list = [] raw_complementary_granules_list = [] event_coordinates_list = [] requested_polygon_list = [] bbox_event_list = [] with open(image_csv_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) for row in csv_reader: id_list.append(row["ID_event"]) l1c_name_list.append(row["ID_event"]) class_list.append(row["class"]) raw_name_list.append(row["ID_event"]) raw_useful_granules_list.append(row["Raw_useful_granules"]) raw_complementary_granules_list.append( row["Raw_complementary_granules"] ) event_coordinates_list.append(row["Coords (Lat, Lon)"]) polygon = row["Polygon"] bbox_event_list.append(row["bbox_list"]) try: polygon = polygon[10:-2].split(",") requested_polygon_list.append( [ [ float(polygon[0].split(" ")[0]), float(polygon[0].split(" ")[1]), ] ] + [ [float(x[1:].split(" ")[0]), float(x[1:].split(" ")[1])] for x in polygon[1:] ] ) except: # noqa: E722 requested_polygon_list.append([[None, None]]) except: # noqa: E722 print( colored("ERROR", "red") + ". Impossible to parse the file: " + colored(image_csv_path, "blue") + "." ) return # id_raw_l1_dict_list = [] for n in range(len(id_list)): id_raw_l1_dict_list.append( { "raw": raw_name_list[n], "l1c": l1c_name_list[n], "class": class_list[n], "raw_useful_granules": raw_useful_granules_list[n], "raw_complementary_granules": raw_complementary_granules_list[n], "events_coords": event_coordinates_list[n], "requested_polygon": requested_polygon_list[n], "bbox_list": bbox_event_list[n], } ) return dict(zip(id_list, id_raw_l1_dict_list))
[docs]def get_event_granule_bb_dict(event_id, database="THRAWS", cfg_file_dict=None): """Function to extract the dictionary {useful_granule : bounding_box_list} from the bbox_str got from the database. Args: event_id (string): event ID. database (string, optional): database name. Defaults to ""THRAWS"". cfg_file_dict (dict, optional): dictionary containing paths to the different pyraws directories. If None, internal CSV database will be parsed. Returns: dict: {useful_granule : bounding_box_list} for the requested event. """ event_dict = get_id_raw_l1_dict(database=database, cfg_file_dict=cfg_file_dict)[ event_id ] raw_useful_granules_bb_dict = literal_eval(event_dict["bbox_list"]) return raw_useful_granules_bb_dict
[docs]def get_events_list(database="THRAWS", cfg_file_dict=None): """Returns the list of events in the database. Args: database (string, optional): database name. Defaults to ""THRAWS"". cfg_file_dict (dict, optional): dictionary containing paths to the different pyraws directories. If None, internal CSV database will be parsed. Returns: str: list of events. """ my_dict = get_id_raw_l1_dict(database=database, cfg_file_dict=cfg_file_dict) return list(my_dict.keys())
[docs]def get_event_info( event_id, cfg_file_dict=None, id_raw_l1_dict=None, database="THRAWS" ): """From the event_ID, it returns raw directory path, the path to the l1 image, to the L1C auxiliary file, and the class of the image. If no `id_raw_l1_dict`is provided, it is done by parsing the internal CSV database file. Args: event_id (string): image name. cfg_file_dict (dict, optional): dictionary containing paths to the different pyraws directories. If None, internal CSV database will be parsed. id_raw_l1_dict (dict, optional): id-raw-l1 dictionary. If None, internal CSV database will be parsed. database (string, optional): database name. Defaults to "THRAWS". Raises: ValueError: If the image is not in the database. Returns: string: path to the Raw image. string: path to the L1 image. string: path to the post-processed L1C tiff file. string: expected class. list: list of raw useful tiles. list: list of complementary raw tiles (to coregister without 0). dict: event coordinates dict {"lat" : lat, "lon" : lon}. list: list of the requested polygon coordinates. """ def parse_string(str, skip_marks=True, return_int=False): str_tiles = [] str = str.replace(" ", "") if not (len(str)): return [""] last_char_pos = 0 while str[last_char_pos:].find(",") != -1: comma_pos = str[last_char_pos:].find(",") + last_char_pos if skip_marks: str_tile = str[last_char_pos + 1 : comma_pos - 1] else: str_tile = str[last_char_pos:comma_pos] if return_int: if str_tile == "None": str_tiles.append(None) else: str_tiles.append(int(str_tile)) else: str_tiles.append(str_tile) last_char_pos = comma_pos + 1 if skip_marks: str_tile = str[last_char_pos + 1 : -1] else: str_tile = str[last_char_pos:] if return_int: if str_tile == "None": str_tiles.append(None) else: str_tiles.append(int(str_tile)) else: str_tiles.append(str_tile) return str_tiles if cfg_file_dict is None: cfg_file_dict = get_cfg_file_dict() if id_raw_l1_dict is None: id_raw_l1_dict = get_id_raw_l1_dict(database, cfg_file_dict) try: event_class = id_raw_l1_dict[event_id]["class"] l1c_dir_name = id_raw_l1_dict[event_id]["l1c"] raw_dir_name = id_raw_l1_dict[event_id]["raw"] raw_useful_granules_str = id_raw_l1_dict[event_id]["raw_useful_granules"] raw_complementary_granules_str = id_raw_l1_dict[event_id][ "raw_complementary_granules" ] except: # noqa: E722 raise ValueError( colored("ERROR", "red") + ". The image: " + colored(event_id, "blue") + " is not in the database " + colored( os.path.join(cfg_file_dict["database"], database + ".csv"), "blue" ) + "." ) if (raw_useful_granules_str is not None) and (len(raw_useful_granules_str) != 0): raw_useful_granules_str = ( raw_useful_granules_str[1:-1].replace(" ", "").split("],") ) if not ("[" in raw_useful_granules_str) and not ( "]" in raw_useful_granules_str ): # Single granules list raw_useful_granules = [ int(x[0]) if ((x[0] is not None) and (x[0] != "None")) else [None] for x in [x.split(",") for x in raw_useful_granules_str] ] else: raw_useful_granules = [ [int(x), int(y)] if (x != "None") and (y != "None") else [None, None] for [x, y] in [ x.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",") for x in raw_useful_granules_str ] ] else: raw_useful_granules = [] if raw_complementary_granules_str is not None: raw_complementary_granules_str = raw_complementary_granules_str[1:-1] raw_img_path = os.path.join(cfg_file_dict["data"], database, "raw", raw_dir_name) l1_img_path = os.path.join(cfg_file_dict["data"], database, "l1c", l1c_dir_name) l1c_post_processed_path = os.path.join( cfg_file_dict["data"], database, "l1c", "l1c_cropped_tif", event_id ) raw_complementary_granules = parse_string( raw_complementary_granules_str, skip_marks=False, return_int=True ) coords = id_raw_l1_dict[event_id]["events_coords"] requested_polygon = id_raw_l1_dict[event_id]["requested_polygon"] return ( raw_img_path, l1_img_path, l1c_post_processed_path, event_class, raw_useful_granules, raw_complementary_granules, { "lat": float(coords[1:].split(",")[0]), "lon": float(coords[:-1].split(",")[1]), }, requested_polygon, )