
PyRawS is a Python package that can be installed in different ways. The installation process depends on the OS you are using. We suggest to use Linux or Mac OS. You can install PyRawS in the following ways:

Table of contents

a) Via pip

You can install pyraws from pypi, from CLI execute:

You can install pyraws with [pypy]( by running the following command from CLI:

pip install pyraws

b) Build from Source

Before all, clone this repository. We suggest using git from CLI, execute:

git clone

Create the PyRawS environment

  • On Linux

    # For Linux, the installation is straightforward.
    # You just need to run the following command from the main directory:
    \bin\bash\ source
    # NB: Your data should be placed in the data directory in the main.
  • On Other OS

    # To install the environment, we suggest to use anaconda.
    # You can create a dedicated conda environment by using the `environment.yml` file by running the following command from the main directory:
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    # To activate your environment, please execute:
    conda activate PyRawS

c) With Docker

To use PyRawS with docker, use one of the following methods.

Method 1: Pull the docker image from Docker Hub

docker pull sirbastiano94/pyraws:latest

Method 2: Build docker image

Follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository and build the docker image by running the following command from the main directory:

    docker build -t pyraws:latest  --build-arg CACHEBUST=$(date +%s) -f dockerfile .
  2. Run the docker image by executing:

    docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 pyraws:latest