Source code for utils.band_shape_utils

import torch
from termcolor import colored
from torch.nn import Upsample
from torch.nn.functional import interpolate

[docs]def image_band_upsample(img_band, band_name, target_spatial_resolution, upsample_mode): """Upsample an image band to a target spatial resolution through an upsample mode. Args: img_band (torch.tensor): image band. band_name (string): band name. target_spatial_resolution (float): target resolution (m). upsample_mode (string): band name. Raises: ValueError: unsupported band name. ValueError: unsupported upsample mode. Returns: torch.tensor: upsampled band. """ if not (band_name in BAND_NAMES): raise ValueError("Unsupported band name: " + colored(band_name, "red") + ".") # print("Upsampling band: "+colored(band_name, "blue")+".") upsample_factor = ( BAND_SPATIAL_RESOLUTION_DICT[band_name] / target_spatial_resolution ) if not (upsample_mode in ["nearest", "bilinear", "bicubic"]): raise ValueError( "Upsample mode " + colored(upsample_mode, "blue") + " not supported. Please, choose among: " "nearest" ", " "bilinear" ", " "bicubic" "." ) if upsample_factor <= 1.0: print( colored("Warnings", "red") + ". The requested target resolution (" + colored(target_spatial_resolution, "blue") + ") is lower or equal to the orginal band resolution (" + colored(band_name, "red") + "," + colored(BAND_SPATIAL_RESOLUTION_DICT[band_name], "green") + ")." ) return img_band if upsample_factor != int(upsample_factor): print( colored("Warnings", "red") + ". Upsample factor truncanted from " + upsample_factor + " to " + int(upsample_factor) + "." ) # else: # print("Upsample factor: "+colored(upsample_factor, "blue")+".") upsample_factor = int(upsample_factor) upsample_method = Upsample( scale_factor=upsample_factor, mode=upsample_mode, align_corners=True ) with torch.no_grad(): return upsample_method(img_band.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0).squeeze(0)
[docs]def image_band_resize( img_upsample_band, band_name, upsampled_img_spatial_resolution, interpolate_mode ): """Resize an upsampled image band to a the orginal spatial resolution through an interpolate mode. Args: img_upsample_band (torch.tensor): upsampled image to resize band_name (string): band name upsampled_img_spatial_resolution (float): spatial resolution of the input upsampled image. interpolate_mode (string): interpolated mode. Raises: ValueError: unsupported band name. ValueError: unsupported interpolated mode. Returns: torch.tensor: resized image. """ if not (band_name in BAND_NAMES): raise ValueError("Unsupported band name: " + colored(band_name, "red") + ".") # print("Downsampling band: "+colored(band_name, "blue")+".") downsample_factor = ( BAND_SPATIAL_RESOLUTION_DICT[band_name] / upsampled_img_spatial_resolution ) if not (interpolate_mode in ["nearest", "bilinear", "bicubic"]): raise ValueError( "Interpolate mode " + colored(interpolate_mode, "blue") + " not supported. Please, choose among: " "nearest" ", " "bilinear" ", " "bicubic" "." ) if downsample_factor <= 1.0: print( colored("Warnings", "red") + ". The upsampled image resolution (" + colored(upsampled_img_spatial_resolution, "blue") + ") is lower or equal to the orginal band resolution (" + colored(band_name, "red") + "," + colored(BAND_SPATIAL_RESOLUTION_DICT[band_name], "green") + ")." ) return img_upsample_band if downsample_factor != int(downsample_factor): print( colored("Warnings", "red") + ". Upsample factor truncanted from " + downsample_factor + " to " + int(downsample_factor) + "." ) # else: # print("Downsample factor: "+colored(downsample_factor, "blue")+".") downsample_factor = int(downsample_factor) size = ( int(img_upsample_band.shape[0] / downsample_factor), int(img_upsample_band.shape[1] / downsample_factor), ) with torch.no_grad(): return ( interpolate( img_upsample_band.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=size, mode=interpolate_mode, align_corners=True, ) .squeeze(0) .squeeze(0) )